Client orientation is the core of business sucess. Discover the Deintec client oriented services.
What do we mean with client oriented?
Deintec is a well positioned IT solutions provider and has been in the market for over 13 years now. During all these years we have provided top quality services to world class clients in highly competitive environments.
At Deintec we claim to be customer oriented. We know the best customer oriented company is the one that practices an effective knowledge management. At Deintec we learn from our clients on ay by day basis and from here we develop our corporate competencies. Managing these competencies turns into our business processes, resulting on a client oriented organization.
In the early years the main reason to stay in business was to offer services at a profit. In our days a non customer-oriented company or a company that does not tailor their processes according to their client needs and expectations will not achieve success. We have learned that even firms with first-class technologies and all their business processes in place, still have only the necessary conditions for success. Such companies will never meet their full potential unless they develop skills in understanding, satisfying and retaining their customers.
What makes us different and better?

Most information technology service providers in the market search for talented professionals and then offer them to their clients. Most of the times without giving them a proper training or induction prior to the job they are about to do. Interaction with customers is then done au naturelle which sometimes works and sometimes does not. At Deintec client care starts with a proper training of our personnel, we try to focus on meeting certain standards and service levels that give and identity to our people and to our company.
Our continuous follow up and constant evaluation to the services we provide let us assure, that at Deintec we provide the services we promise and not what the people we find out there can do.
At last but not at least the quality of the performance (service or customer relationship) is dependent on how satisfied our employees are. We have learned that this is not a feel good exercise but a necessary condition for business success.
At Deintec we know that a company that declares to be customer-oriented, raises certain expectations among existing and potential customers. Hence it becomes STRATEGIC that every member of our organization understands what is meant by customer-orientation/customer-care, what it means in terms of actions, service, requirement handling, ready-to-serve, delivery, quality, etc.